
The Menopause Project

The Menopause Project

Role: Project Assistant to social practice artist & designer Nancy Nowacek

Archived: 2018


Menopause has been referred to as the Last Taboo—a last unspoken topic of mixed social conversation. There has not been enough conversations and collective safe space for people to talk and understand more about menopause. How do we address this taboo topic collectively and in a meaningful way?


The Menopause Project M______ is a pop up shop presenting objects, presentations, activities and information pertaining to the physical, emotional and cultural dimensions of Menopause. The project brings people across backgrounds together to shed light on the taboo topic of menopause and aging, which is still covered in shame, mystery and isolation.

The shop was inspired by the collaboration between Sasha Davies and Nancy Nowacek to create a primer on Menopause. Menopause, An Imperfect Guide, which was released June 2018, and is now available for purchase.


The Menopause Project invited participation from a broad audience: artists, educators, field experts, students, businesspeople, and passersby, who represent different age groups, genders, and socioeconomic backgrounds. The creative workshops are multi-dimensional and thought-provoking. The participants shared openly and wholeheartedly about their experiences with menopause, whether personal or from family members. During the shop duration, participants and experts exchange contacts with the intention of creating a support network even after the project.

“This pilot program aims to seed a network of experts, practitioners, artists, activists, and communities around the issues and impacts of menopause on individuals and society at large. It is also hoped that this pilot can become a template for future extended pop-up shops that can be taken up by other communities around the world.

Post, peri or pre, cis, trans, or gender noncomforming—this is your shop.”

- Nancy Nowacek